Leveraging 5G for Autonomous Driving – An EU Project x BMW

Onboard software and maneuvering algorithms for Cooperative Lane Management, enabling coordinated actions like autonomous overtaking and lane merging.

5G Carmen EU Project X BMW
IoT/Embedded Development

„This project is a great example of the importance of good collaboration in an ever more complex environment. It united cutting-edge tech with a focal societal problem statement. And all of that with well-aligned and trustworthy project partners at BMW.”

Daniel Turba
Project Manager at Motius
The Outcome

Our Final Result


Maturity Level





The Outcome

Our Final Result


Identification of further challenges to achieve smooth cross-border cooperative driving. The basis for more targeted research funding in the future has been created.

and Motius demonstrated the potential of 5G technology for cooperative driving applications within an EU-wide.

Leveraging 5G for Autonomous Driving

  • Precise GNSS system that tracks the car with an accuracy of a few centimeters
  • Deployed on mobile edge computing (MEC) unit
  • International and intercorporational collaboration

Motius played a crucial role in the 5G Carmen EU project, showcasing the power of 5G technology in enabling cooperative driving applications where vehicles communicate to optimize traffic flow. We identified further challenges to achieve smooth cross-border cooperative driving and created the basis for more future targeted research funding.

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What are the implications of 5G for autonomous driving? This was the overarching question of our joint Cooperative Lane Management (CLM) project with members of the 5G Carmen consortium.

Ensuring Uninterrupted 5G Connection

5G Carmen is an EU-wide project with many participants for a bigger scope. The goal: To demonstrate the potential of 5G technology for automotive applications, seamlessly crossing borders and connecting vehicles on the road with 5G.

Secure and Scalable Autonomous Driving Maneuvers

The objective of the sub-project CLM was to create a system that allows cars to perform coordinated autonomous driving actions, like overtaking and lane merging. The system had to be scalable to hundreds, even thousands of cars, to enable use cases like efficient traffic control on a large road section.

Collaborating Across Borders and Companies

One of the most interesting, but also challenging aspects of this project, was the level of international and inter-corporational collaboration. To tackle the big scope of the project objective, we teamed up with a broad range of industry experts (Nokia, Qualcomm, BMW, Stellantis, and many more) for approximately one year.

Collaborating Across Borders and Companies

One of the most interesting, but also challenging aspects of this project, was the level of international and inter-corporational collaboration. To tackle the big scope of the project objective, we teamed up with a broad range of industry experts (Nokia, Qualcomm, BMW, Stellantis, and many more) for approximately one year.


We provided the onboard software and maneuvering algorithms for Cooperative Lane Management (CLM).


All About 5G Carmen EU Project X BMW

Leveraging 5G for the EU

The 5G-Carmen project aims at implementing connected, automated road transport on the Bologna-Munich corridor (600 km, across three EU countries). In the project, 5G mobile networks were used to connect vehicles to each other and to the infrastructure, supporting safer, greener, and more intelligent mobility. In this context, 5G Carmen provides a platform for vehicles to exchange speed, position, intended trajectories, and maneuvers, enabling cooperative, connected, and automated mobility.

The Process

Tackling the Challenge in a Four-Step Process


No matter how well-defined your project idea is, we can work it out together. We can start with an existing problem, an existing product that you want to improve, or just some rough ideas and requirements. Based on your needs, we identify new technologies that create the biggest impact for you and your users.


Quickly and reliably prove that the solution is technically possible before investing too much money. We deliver technical proof of concepts in no time. The best way to create products people love is through rapid prototyping. We focus on fast ideations and customer-centricity.


To test our software working in a real-life scenario met up with BMW. On each side of the border, there is an MEC deployed that takes over the maneuvering depending on which side of the border the maneuver takes place. The driver or user will not notice the handover of responsibilities.

Analysis and Iteration

During the test run at the Austrian-German border, we recorded data from the maneuvers to analyze the advantages of 5G over 4G. This way we could identify additional challenges to achieve smooth cross-border cooperative driving and give suggestions for further optimization for future research projects.